79 pages 2 hours read

Vikas Swarup

Q & A

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Character Analysis

Ram Mohammed Thomas

The protagonist of the novel, Thomas is an orphan who has spent much of his life living in various slums. As an infant, he was found by nuns in a clothing bin outside a church, and he spends much of his life fantasizing about what his mother was like and why she had to give him away. He also spends much of his life longing for a home and sense of belonging. 

Although he has a fascination with films, he is keenly aware that reality and fantasy are two very different realms. Having spent much of his time working as a servant for the wealthy, he sees the opulence of wealth reflected in the films he watches. 


Salim is Thomas’s best friend. His family, all Muslims, were killed by an angry mob of Hindus, and he met Thomas in the juvenile home where the two lived. Salim is everything that Thomas is not: handsome, charismatic, and fame-obsessed. While Thomas and Salim both love films, Salim adores the realm of fantasy. His big dream is to become a movie star, and despite living in poverty he never deviates from this dream.

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