79 pages 2 hours read

Vikas Swarup

Q & A

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 4-7

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “10,000 Rupees: A Thought for the Crippled”

Thomas is now in the juvenile home and has been put in isolation because of having jaundice. He is eight years old. The juvenile home “has a capacity of seventy-five and juvenile population of one hundred and fifty. It is cramped, noisy, and dirty. It has just two toilets, with leaky washbasins and filthy latrines” (74). The deputy of the home, Mr. Gupta, is nicknamed the “Terror of Turkman Gate,” and “calls boys to his room late at night” (75). Thomas quickly becomes the leader of the boys and liked by the authorities because he is the only one who can speak English. 

Thomas meets Salim in the isolation ward, and we find out that Salim’s family, all Muslim, were murdered by a group of violent Hindus. One night Gupta calls Salim to his room. Gupta makes Salim take off his pants and attempts to rape him, but Thomas sees what’s happening and screams. Salim escapes, but remains afraid of being abused. 

The children of the juvenile home take a field trip to the zoo and a carnival. Each child is given ten rupees, and although Thomas wants to use his money on a carnival ride, Salim insists that they get their palms read instead.

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