51 pages 1 hour read

Joan Didion

Play It As It Lays

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1970

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Chapters 71-84

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 71 Summary

Maria tries to connect with a local boy in the small desert town by telling him she is from a town nearby, but he is more interested in the film. Maria has a tense exchange with Susannah in Susannah’s hotel room. When Maria tells BZ that she is tired of Susannah, BZ asks, “What else are you tired of?” (191). Maria replies that she doesn’t know, and BZ takes her statement to mean she is as weary as he is.

Chapter 72 Summary

After three weeks of filming, the lead actor, Harrison Porter, physically assaults Susannah. Carter continues to shoot, trying to avoid the bruises on Susannah’s face. When Maria asks if Susannah is okay, Carter replies, “Susannah doesn’t take things quite as hard as you do” (193). Later, Maria asks BZ about Carter’s affair with Susannah, and BZ rebuffs her: “If you thought things like that mattered you’d be gone already” (194).

Chapter 73 Summary

The coffee shop owner sees that Maria is distressed and invites Maria to her home in the desert. She asks Maria, “You ever made a decision?” (198). Maria responds that no, she has not.

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