93 pages 3 hours read

Karen M. McManus

One of Us is Lying

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 24-26

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary

Nate brings Bronwyn to the Bayview Estates construction site to meet Cooper and Addy in an abandoned house and compare notes. Addy asks Cooper how he is doing, and Cooper discloses that his father is not speaking to him, he is being “torn apart online,” and recruiters no longer answer Coach Ruffalo’s calls (265). He directs the conversation back to the group, and they look for a common thread that links all four of them to Simon. Addy mentions that Janae told her Simon felt like an outsider and was upset that nothing ever happened between him and Keely. Keely had hooked up with Nate to get away from Simon and began dating Cooper shortly after, but that only connects Simon and Nate. Bronwyn mentions that she and Leah accidentally gave Simon the wrong Model UN registration information, but that has nothing to do with the other three. Addy reminds them that Janae and Simon had not been hanging out much shortly before Simon’s death.       

Since none of the theories account for all four of them, they turn their attention to the car accident just before Simon died. Cooper notes that one of the cars was a red Camaro that he had not seen on campus before and offers to ask Luis’s brother, who works in a car repair shop, whether anyone brought in a car fitting that description.

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