93 pages 3 hours read

Karen M. McManus

One of Us is Lying

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 15-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary

At the end of Monday’s school day, a classmate warns Nate that news vans are parked outside, and students have lined up to talk to reporters. Nate plans to go out the back and ride his motorcycle through the woods behind the school. Worried about Bronwyn, he offers to take her with him and drop her off at the mall, where Maeve can pick her up. At the mall, he suggests she take off her glasses to be less recognizable, then notices her “clear, bright gray” eyes (165). Bronwyn looks at his music selection and notices he has “Variations on the Canon,” the song she played for him on the piano. Bronwyn suggests he contact a nonprofit called Until Proven about getting a lawyer, and he becomes defensive, telling her to mind her own business. He stalks off, but she comes after him and apologizes before hurrying off with Maeve.

The vans are gone when Addy arrives for school the next day. She finds Janae weeping in the bathroom and offers her eye drops and Kleenex. Janae notes that Addy never spoke much to her before; Addy asks if that bothered her. Janae gets annoyed until Addy explains that she is “only just realizing [she] suck[s] at social cues” and was only popular because she dated Jake (171).

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