69 pages 2 hours read

W. Somerset Maugham

Of Human Bondage

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1915

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Character Analysis

Philip Carey

Philip Carey is the protagonist of the novel. The action of the plot revolves around him maturing from a young boy into a man, deciding what kind of life he would like to lead. Philip’s defining physical characteristic is his clubfoot, a birth defect that impacts his ability to walk and run. Philip is extremely sensitive about his disability, partially as a result of being teased and bullied. He is sensitive and aloof and tends to alienate people. Philip is quite introverted and often prefers to spend time alone. However, when he bonds with people, he tends to develop intense feelings for them.

Philip is very sensitive to art and beauty. He is also quite intellectual and enjoys discussing philosophy and abstract ideas. Philip is consistently at his happiest when he has a community of friends who share these interests and are willing to discuss these topics with him. However, Philip is also quite pragmatic and can be at ease in a wide range of social situations. Throughout his medical training, Philip encounters patients from a wide range of social situations, and he is successful because he treats them with respect and kindness: “They were pleased because he was not above drinking a cup of tea with them” (561).

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