69 pages 2 hours read

W. Somerset Maugham

Of Human Bondage

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1915

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Chapters 54-78

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 54 Summary

In September, Philip begins his medical studies at St. Luke’s, renting a room nearby. He quickly gets to know some of the other medical students, although he is aware that he is somewhat older than them.

Chapter 55 Summary

Philip observes the other medical students. He notices that there are men of varying ages and social backgrounds. Some, but not all of them, have previously studied at university. Philip begins to struggle with loneliness again: “He made friends by chance, but not intimate friends, for he seemed to have nothing in particular to say to his companions” (266).

Philip spends most of his time with a fellow medical student named Dunsford, and they sometimes go to an inexpensive local tea shop. Dunsford is attracted to a woman, Mildred, who works there. Philip finds Mildred unattractive and pretentious. One day, after Mildred is rude to him, Philip urges his friend to find a new restaurant. Dunsford quickly forgets about Mildred, but Philip ends up going back alone and is more annoyed than ever when she is rude to him again.

Chapter 56 Summary

Philip goes to the restaurant alone, attempting to engage Mildred in conversation. He also draws a sketch of her, which seems to attract some attention, and Mildred is kinder to him.

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