69 pages 2 hours read

Jewell Parker Rhodes

Ninth Ward

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2010

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Chapters 13-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Monday Isn’t Over”

Lanesha allows TaShon and Spot to sleep for the time it takes the water to reach the attic floor, but when it starts to fill the attic, she must move. First, she pushes and piles together the old furniture in the attic near the window, trying to create higher ground. The tallest item is an old “chiffaro.” Lanesha means a chifforobe, a freestanding piece of furniture similar to an armoire that has drawers as well as a space for hanging clothing. She moves their food and water and her pre-algebra book to the top of the chifforobe, then wakes TaShon. He remembers to get the axe as well. Then the two of them climb up along with Spot. They eat the last of the rice and beans; TaShon encourages Lanesha to eat to keep up her strength. They watch the water climb. Soon Lanesha must use the axe to break the window and chop a hole around the frame big enough to climb through. TaShon climbs onto the roof first; Lanesha and he pull Spot out next. Finally, Lanesha climbs out onto the roof as well.

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