52 pages • 1 hour read
Angie ThomasA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Published in 2023, Angie Thomas’s Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy: A Tale of Magic, Friendship and Family Bonds is a middle-grade fantasy novel and the first book in The Nic Blake and the Remarkables series. Set against a backdrop inspired by African American folklore and history, the story follows Nic as she discovers her heritage as a Remarkable—a person with supernatural abilities—in an otherwise Unremarkable world. On her 12th birthday, Nic eagerly anticipates learning magic from her father. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when her father is accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Determined to clear his name, Nic and her best friends embark on a quest to find a powerful magical tool. The novel was nominated for the Nebraska Golden Sower Award and explores themes of heritage, justice, and friendship.
Citations in this study guide refer to the eBook edition released by HarperCollins in 2023.
Content Warning: The source material contains depictions of racism, slavery, homicide, gun violence, and police brutality.
Plot Summary
Nichole Blake and her father, Calvin, are Manifestors who possess an innate power called the Gift that allows them to cast spells. In addition to Manifestors, there are many other types of Remarkables, including Azizas, Vampires, and Visionaries who can see the future. On Nic’s 12th birthday, a Visionary named Ms. Lena touches the girl’s hand, and Nic has a vision of being in a cave with a dangerous creature. Alarmed, Calvin takes Nic home and tells her to avoid ordinary people, who are called Unremarkables. That night, Nic sneaks out and goes to a book signing to meet her favorite fantasy author, TJ Retro, with her best friend, JP Williams.
Calvin follows his daughter to the event, where Nic learns that the author is her godfather. TJ Retro’s real name is Ty Porter, and his books are based on his and Nic’s parents’ struggles against an evil Manifestor named Roho.
The next day, Calvin and Ty take JP and Nic to the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. Ty teaches Nic about the Manifestor Prophecy, which says that a Manifestor called the Manowari will one day destroy the Remarkable world. Ty believes that he is the Chosen One destined to stop the Manowari. He gives the girl a G-pen that can send messages to any Remarkable. Nic writes to her mother, whom she barely remembers. Soon afterward, Nic’s mother, Zoe, appears in the museum and knocks JP and the men unconscious with her Manifestor powers. Zoe reveals that Calvin took Nic and fled from the Remarkable city of Uhuru 10 years ago. He left behind Nic’s twin brother, Alex. A powerful weapon called the Msaidizi vanished the same night that Calvin kidnapped Nic. As a result, the League of Remarkable Efforts (LORE)—the Remarkable government—suspects him of stealing it.
Nic’s twin brother, Alex, stows away in his mother’s aircraft and tells Nic about his life in Uhuru. To the twins’ shock, LORE arrests Ty and Zoe, as well as Calvin. A few hours later, Remarkable thieves ransack the Blakes’ house, and the twins flee with JP. Ms. Lena takes the children to safety. The Visionary tells Nic that she must find the Msaidizi and clear her father’s name, or LORE may erase his memories. Ms. Lena heard that the Msaidizi is in New Orleans. An eager JP and a reluctant Alex agree to join Nic in her search.
Ms. Lena leads the children to a literal train station on the Remarkable Underground Railroad. During the train ride, Alex teaches Nic and JP more about the Remarkable world’s history. While Ty believes that he is the Chosen One and that the real Manowari has yet to appear, many Manifestors think that an evil Manifestor named Roho was the Manowari and that Ty failed. The twins’ paternal grandfather, Dr. Blake, is the one who defeated Roho. When the train arrives in New Orleans, a mysterious woman named Dee Dee offers to help the children find the Msaidizi. She asks them to reclaim a conjure root that a Shapeshifter named Hairy Man Junior stole from her, and his house collapses in the ensuing conflict. Dee Dee uses the conjure root to summon High John, who has a connection to the Msaidizi. High John tells the children that the weapon was stolen about 10 years ago by a person who has a tree tattooed on their hand. Dee Dee tries to kill the children, but they escape thanks to JP’s faith and Alex’s Gift.
The children hurry back to the Underground Railroad and ask the magical train to take them somewhere safe. Calvin will be tried in two days, and the twins nearly come to blows when Alex suggests that their father deserves whatever punishment he receives. The children set aside their disagreement to look for food. At a gas station, a white cashier overhears Alex mention Unremarkables, and she alerts the local police. A sheriff abducts the children and takes them to a gathering of wizards. The wizards intend to turn them in for the reward LORE is offering, and they lock the twins in a room. Nic and Alex talk out their feelings of jealousy and reconcile. The twins escape and fight the wizards, but LORE’s police force captures Alex and JP.
Nic escapes back to the Underground Railroad. Hairy Man Junior follows her from New Orleans because he wants her to replace his ruined house. He accidentally reveals that the Msaidizi is in Roho’s lair, which is located in a dormant volcano below Jackson. Together, Nic and Hairy Man Junior rescue Alex and JP from LORE’s police. Hairy Man Junior leads the three children to Roho’s lair. The lair is protected by a series of booby traps, including a seemingly bottomless pit and tunnels that show the children their worst fears. After overcoming these obstacles, the trio finds the Msaidizi. The weapon assumes the form of a dragon and bows before Nic because the girl is destined to be its next wielder. The dragon shrinks down to fit in Nic’s backpack and guides the trio aboveground. The children reunite with Ty and Zoe, and they all fly to Uhuru in Zoe’s aircraft.
When they arrive, Calvin’s trial has already begun. The children relate their adventures to the Council of Elders, and the Msaidizi confirms that Calvin didn’t steal it. To Nic’s horror, the Elders say that the next person to wield the Msaidizi will be the Manowari. Out of the Elders’ earshot, Nic’s parents explain that a Prophet told them that she was the Manowari when she was an infant. Calvin kidnapped Nic and ran because he was afraid that LORE would kill her. Ty is hurt that Zoe and Calvin kept the truth from him, and he remains determined to fulfill the Manifestor Prophecy. He attacks Nic, who flies away on the dragon to prevent Ty from hurting anyone else. Ty injures the Msaidizi and corners Nic, but she unlocks her true power and defeats him.
Ty escapes, and Nic returns to the Council Room. Zoe asks the Elders to show Calvin leniency, so they sentence him to five years of house arrest at Dr. Blake’s home and five years of volunteer work. Zoe and the twins bring JP home, and Nic and her best friend promise to keep in touch. Nic moves into her mother’s home in Uhuru, and the city holds a celebration in honor of her return. During the celebration, Nic receives a threatening message from someone who calls themselves Roho’s apprentice. Putting on a brave smile, Nic joins her family and greets the cheering crowd gathered to welcome her home.
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