111 pages 3 hours read

Tiffany D. Jackson

Monday's Not Coming

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapters 35-38

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 35 Summary: “The After”

Daddy is late for dinner on a cold night because his van broke down on the highway. When he went into the service station for help, he ran into an old classmate who said he saw Monday’s father, Tip, working gas pumps nearby. Daddy got Tip’s number, called Tip, and found out Tip hasn’t seen Monday. He hasn’t seen any of his children in over a year.

Ma is outraged. Tip apparently owes Mrs. Charles thousands in unpaid child support, so he’s been afraid she would have him arrested if he showed up. Daddy comments on how impossible Mrs. Charles is.  

Ma asks Claudia again how she enjoyed the basketball game. With April’s words swimming in her head, she responds in a lackluster way. She realizes that her mother wants her to go to that high school, at least as a backup for the more prestigious school Monday that had wanted to attend. 

Ma turns down a different road than usual to pick up Michael on their way to church. She assumed Claudia wouldn’t mind, not knowing that Claudia and Michael didn’t part on good terms after the game. Michael didn’t say one word to her for the rest of the game.

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