73 pages 2 hours read

Richard Wagamese

Medicine Walk

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Chapters 16-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Eldon begins to tell Frank the story of how Jimmy died during the Korean War. Because Eldon and Jimmy are Indians, they are chosen for reconnaissance patrols. The fighting is often at close quarters, and the men are reduced to “primates” (156) as they taunt each other. The men often fight hand-to-hand using knives and bayonets.

Chapter 17 Summary

Eldon explains to Frank the origin of their last name, “Starlight,” which represents storytellers and teachers: “They say nights like this bring them teachin’s and stories back and that’s when they oughta be passed on again” (159). Frank is grateful to Eldon for sharing the history of their family name. As the two grow closer, Eldon feels confident enough to tell Frank the reason that Jimmy died. Jimmy and Eldon became blood brothers by cutting each other’s hands and mixing their blood. Out on patrol, Jimmy is wounded and screaming. The Chinese are close by, and Eldon kills Jimmy with his knife to silence him. Back at the base, Eldon lies about how Jimmy died. Instead of reprimanding Eldon for what he did, Frank understands: “Musta been hard […] Carrying Jimmy all this time” (166). However, Frank notes that Eldon probably felt “like a coward all [his] life” (168).

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