73 pages 2 hours read

Richard Wagamese

Medicine Walk

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Chapters 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

As they journey into the wilderness, Frank wonders if he will be able to carry out his task. He feels increasingly at home as they travel. He lets go of the horse’s reins and allows the horse to walk at its own pace. They suddenly encounter a grizzly bear. Frank tells Eldon to wait while Frank walks toward the bear extending his arms and pretending to be larger than he is. Eventually, the bear runs away. Eldon congratulates Frank on his courage. They make camp, and Eldon asks Frank to pour out the alcohol he brought with him. Eldon then drinks some of Becka’s medicine for the first time. It contains a soporific, and he soon falls asleep, asking Frank to tell him a story.

Chapter 14 Summary

This chapter is an account of the various times Frank and Eldon have visited each other. Frank is always disappointed by Eldon, who is usually drunk and with a new woman each time Frank visits. In contrast with the beauty of nature, the mill town is described as something “sullen” that “hurts the ears” (116).

The first visit is with Bunky, and Eldon is surprised to see them.

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