85 pages 2 hours read

Roger Lancelyn Green

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1953

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Book 4, Chapters 1-3 and Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 4: “The Departing of Arthur”

Book 4, Chapter 1 Summary: “Launcelot and Guinevere”

After the quest for the Holy Grail, no new knights arrive to replace the deceased knights. Launcelot, remembering why he failed the quest, stays away from Guinevere as often as he can, which angers the queen. In rashness, she sends him away. Regretting her actions, Guinevere searches for him in the woods under the guise of an a-maying party. As they ride in the forest, Sir Melliagraunce attacks Guinevere with a large company and wounds her unarmed squires, wanting to take the queen as his own. Guinevere agrees to go to his castle to spare her squires from death.

Meanwhile, the wounded Sir Urry arrives to Arthur’s court with Nimue, and Launcelot—the worthiest knight—heals Urry at Arthur’s command. Rather than celebrate, Launcelot cries remembering the prophecy of Logres’s descent following his healing deed. The court hears of Melliagraunce’s ambush, and Launcelot rides away without waiting for Arthur. A band of archers kills Launcelot’s horse, so he continues on foot. Launcelot persuades Melliagraunce’s woodsman with threats of violence to carry him to the castle on his cart. Launcelot arrives in a fury, but Guinevere persuades Launcelot to wait for a formal duel with Melliagraunce at Camelot in one week.

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