85 pages 2 hours read

Roger Lancelyn Green

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1953

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Book 3, Chapters 5-7

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 3 “The Quest of the Holy Grail”

Book 3, Chapter 5 Summary: “The Adventures of Sir Launcelot”

Launcelot seeks out Castle Carbonek, but he can’t find it in the Waste Lands. He finds a chapel in the woods that is locked, and he is unable to enter, so he sleeps nearby. Launcelot half-wakes to a procession of a sickly knight. Naciens exits the chapel with the holy silver candlestick and places it on an altar where the Holy Grail floats down to heal the knight. The knight takes Launcelot’s belongings and rides away. Launcelot wakes and laments how he couldn’t touch the Grail. Naciens invites Launcelot to stay with him in the chapel to confess his sins and learn spirituality.

After a while, Launcelot leaves and travels to the coast where he jousts with his son, Galahad. Galahad defeats Launcelot, and the two board the Enchanted Ship. When the ship departs, the knights and Dindrane tell their stories. The knights follow Dindrane to the Castle of the Maiden. The knights of the castle try to take Dindrane, as their custom demands that every maiden must try to heal their mistress. The knights, disliking the custom, prepare to defend her. As the fighting begins, the Golden Knight of the castle calls for a truce and invites the travelers in, promising no harm.

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