35 pages 1 hour read

Raja Rao


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1938

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Chapters 12-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 12-15 Summary

As Chapter 12 opens, the rains have come to Kanthapura, and it is plowing season. Although he is no longer the village Patel, Range Gowda remains very involved in the preparations. Everyone gathers in Priest Rangappa’s temple to pray to the the local goddess for a good harvest. They pray for their goddess to protect them and for Moorthy’s safe return. They speak about what they will do when he returns, and how they will treat him. They know the date is coming soon, and shortly thereafter, a letter is delivered from the postman letting them know that Moorthy has been released from prison. The village holds a celebration and prepares a large welcome ceremony for him. When Venkamma discovers that the celebration conflicts with her daughter’s wedding day, she reminds everyone that Moorthy was excommunicated, forcing people to choose between the two events. Although most of the married women feel obligated to go to the nuptial ceremony, many of the younger members of the village await the blue bus that will bring Moorthy back to them. There’s a delay, and many wonder if something has gone wrong, but eventually they find out that Moorthy was taken off the bus and brought by car to Rangamma’s house.

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