56 pages 1 hour read

Tobias Wolff

Hunters in the Snow

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1981

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. D (Page 10)

2. B (Pages 11, 14, and 22)

3. A (Page 11)

4. D (Pages 15-16 and 21)

5. B (Page 10)

6. C (Page 22)

7. D (Page 23

8. A (Page 19)

Long Answer

1. While it initially may come across as a gesture of radical acceptance, upon further inspection, this gesture is not healthy. Details like Frank ordering Tub four orders of pancakes, slathering butter and emptying the syrup bottle over them, instructing him not to wipe his mouth, and insisting he clean his plate all indicate that Frank is enabling an unhealthy behavior. Enabling this vice may ensure that Tub will remain supportive of Frank’s own questionable moral dilemma with his babysitter, implying that this “acceptance” may in fact be self-serving after all. (Page 24)

2. Kenny will most likely die: Tub and Frank took Kenny’s blankets into the cab of the truck because “[t]hey’re not doing him any good” and “[they] might as well get some use out of them.” Kenny is weakly repeating “I’m going to the hospital” like Frank told him to, and based on how much blood he has likely lost and the cold, he is most likely going into shock. Finally, the last lines, “But he was wrong.

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