56 pages 1 hour read

Tobias Wolff

Hunters in the Snow

Fiction | Short Story | Adult | Published in 1981

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the story, the characters’ friendship is reinforced by a variety of unhealthy traits and behaviors. Analyze the Toxic Friendships between Tub, Kenny, and Frank. Consider these points as you reflect on the text to respond.

  • What role do Narcissism and Neglect play in the relationship between the three friends?
  • How do Frank and Tub bond at the bar and roadhouse stops, and why is this ironic?
  • What moral commentary does Wolff convey in the characters’ friendship?

Teaching Suggestion: Each theme (Toxic Friendships, Narcissism and Neglect, and Man Versus Nature) is present in the relationship between the three men. Students may refer to their Personal Connection Prompt response (healthy versus toxic friendships) as they track negative, unhealthy traits and behaviors in the characters (such as cruelty, neglect, and enabling). For example, Frank and Tub bond and accept one another’s unhealthy secrets by enabling and condoning them, not to mention the irony of doing so while Kenny bleeds in the back of the freezing truck.

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