15 pages 30 minutes read

Emily Dickinson

Hope is a strange invention

Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 1955

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Optimism Is a Motivating Force

Analyzing Emily Dickinson’s poetry for themes of “hope, encouragement, love, sympathy, [and] kindness,” Anila Jamil and Saira Hassan state that Dickinson addresses the subject of optimism “in a way that inspires reader [sic] and the poet herself to be motivated by her optimism” and to make them “strong and powerful against despair, hopelessness and desolation” (Hassan, Saira, and Anila Jamil. “Representation of Philosophy and Theme of Hope in Dickinson’s Poetry.” British Journal of Education, 2015). In “Hope is a strange invention,” “hope” is described as “never wearing out” (Line 4). Optimism can be defined as a sense of hopefulness about the future. In Dickinson’s poem, hope never ends; it is self-sustaining and regenerative. Hope is in constant motion, “In unremitting action” (Line 3). By calling the action “unremitting,” the speaker implies that hope never gives up. Hope is always looking ahead at the end goal. “Action” implies that there is constant work being done to achieve that goal. Similarly, the speaker describes hope’s “unique momentum” (Line 7). The use of the word “momentum” implies forward movement or energy. Hope is a force constantly pushing onward in pursuit of some desire. As with the reference to “unremitting action,” “unique momentum” illustrates how hope never ceases.

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