87 pages 2 hours read

Carl Hiaasen


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2002

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. C (Various chapters)

2. A (Various chapters)

3. D (Various chapters)

4. B (Various chapters)

5. A (Various chapters)

6. A (Various chapters)

7. C (Epilogue)

8. B (Various chapters)

9. D (Various chapters)

10. C (Various chapters)

11. A (Various chapters)

12. C (Various chapters)

13. B (Various chapters)

14. C (Various chapters)

15. D (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Roy is his parents’ only son. His parents have had a miscarriage in the past, and Roy, out of respect for his parents, will not put himself in danger. Mullet may feel more inclined to endanger himself because he does not have parental support at home. (Various chapters)

2. Mullet Fingers has characteristics of a larger-than-life character because he survives in the Florida Everglades on his own. Mullet is so in tune with nature that he can catch fish with his bare hands; he is quick, mysteriously disappears often, and catches dangerous animals. (Various chapters)

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By Carl Hiaasen