87 pages 2 hours read

Carl Hiaasen


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2002

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

In the novel, Beatrice, Roy, and Mullet all take a stand to support the burrowing owls in Florida. Consider the actions and opinions of other characters on the subject. How do some show progression or change? Consider these points as you respond:

  • What secondary characters in the novel take steps to protect the burrowing owls?
  • What motivates the characters to help the owls?
  • What characters are not interested in protecting the owls?
  • What is their motivation for ignoring the presence of the owls?
  • Are any of these characters later convinced to join Roy in his cause?
  • How might Roy succeed in swaying more of the community to help endangered species in his area?

Teaching Suggestion: Students may find it beneficial to approach the discussion by categorizing secondary characters as favoring the protection of the owls, ignorant of the owls’ value in the ecosystem, or intentionally disregarding the owls. Students can gather evidence from the novel to support the characters’ motivations ahead of discussion or catalog contributions from peers as the discussion continues.

Differentiation Suggestion: Students who may benefit from assistance with whole-text tasks might work from a list of characters in the novel, either on their own or in small groups. Consider using this list to begin discussion: Roy, Mullet, Beatrice, Dana, Delinko, Curly, Muckle, Ms.

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By Carl Hiaasen