69 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers


Fiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 1981

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. How do Lonnie’s feelings toward Cal change over the course of the novel?

A) He is skeptical of Cal but grows to befriend and admire him.

B) He feels that Cal is increasingly less trustworthy.

C) He respects Cal for being a good basketball player but not a good coach.

D) He dislikes Cal but believes he may be the key to his own success.

2. Which relationship is an example of the novel’s theme of Vulnerability and Masculinity?

A) Lonnie’s relationship with his mother

B) Lonnie’s relationship with Mary-Ann

C) Cal’s relationship with Mr. O’Donnel

D) Cal’s relationship with Paul

3. Why do you think the setting of the novel in Harlem is appropriate for Myers’s story?

A) It is considered the Black Mecca of New York.

B) The population consists of a variety of cultures.

C) It is one destination of the Great Migration.

D) It has a wealthy population.

4. Which of the following does Lonnie feel is a pivotal part of his identity?

A) His performance in basketball

B) His relationship with Mary-Ann

C) His role as a coach

D) His relationship with Aggie

5. What is the most likely reason Lonnie feels insecure about performing in front of white audiences?

A) He thinks he isn’t good enough to be a professional player.

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