92 pages 3 hours read

Katherine Applegate

Home of the Brave

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Just four years after Home of the Brave was published in 2007, the southern portion of Sudan broke off in a peaceful secession to become the Republic of South Sudan, making it Africa’s 54th country and the newest country in the world.

Two years after South Sudan gained its independence in 2011, ethnic violence once again erupted in the region, leaving hundreds of thousands of Sudanese dead and millions displaced. In “A Brief Guide to South Sudan’s Fragile Peace,” the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace gives an overview of the players in this complex conflict and the forces that lead to continued destruction. Consider these questions in light of recent events:

  • What feelings would Kek and his mother have about the developments that have occurred in their homeland since 2007?
  • Would the lessons that Kek learned be helpful for Sudanese refugees coming to the country today?
  • Considering current events in both Sudan and America, imagine how Kek might advise Sudanese refugees coming to Minnesota today. What additional advice, beyond what he learned in the book, might he give them?

Teaching Suggestion: Even though the plight of Sudanese refugees has changed from 2007 to the present, the core themes in Home of the Brave around Holding on to Hope, Assimilation, and Family and Friendship remain as salient as ever.

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