92 pages 3 hours read

Katherine Applegate

Home of the Brave

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. In Poems 1-3, how does Kek refer to the airplane that flew him from Sudan to the United States?

A) “The flying cow”

B) “The flying car”

C) “The flying boat”

D) “The flying train”

2. Which of the following statements best describes the symbolism of Kek’s dream in Poem 16, which ends with him standing in the snow?

A) The dream symbolizes the trajectory of his life thus far—past, present, and future.

B) The dream symbolizes the “freezing” out of his options in his new, snowy home.

C) The dream symbolizes his rebirth into a full-fledged American citizen.

D) The dream symbolizes his rebuking and rejecting the rites and traditions of his home country of Sudan.

3. How do Kek’s aunt and cousin feel about Kek’s Holding on to Hope, specifically about his reuniting with his mother in Part 1?

A) They are neutral. They do not say one way or the other if they think Kek will find his mother again.

B) They are pessimistic. They treat Kek with pity and skepticism when he mentions his mother.

C) They support him. They think it is important to foster a sense of hope in Kek if he is to survive life in America.

D) They ignore him. They do not have time or energy to listen to Kek’s hopeful notions that may or may not come to pass.

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