37 pages 1 hour read

Will Hobbs

Far North

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1996

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Nature Is Unforgiving

Throughout the novel, the wilderness of the Northwest Territories continues to create conflict for Gabe. Not only does the cold of the winter season cause major problems, the animals that the inhabit the land that Gabe is trying to survive on create conflict, as well as the natural features that make the Northwest Territories special like the Nahanni River, Virginia Falls, and Deadmen Valley. Gabe’s first encounter with the unforgiving nature of the Northwest Territories is when Clint dies in Chapter 7. The Nahanni River over the Virginia Falls does not allow for their small plane to stay still on the water and Clint’s desperation to get their supplies causes Clint and plane to go over the Falls. This shows that while the characters in the novel are trying their best to survive, the nature around them continues to be harsh. Nature has no feelings, no ability to make choices, and no sense of what is happening to the people around it. Therefore, its vicious ability to wreak havoc on the characters does not stop.

The animals that live in the Northwest Territories also cause problems for Gabe and Raymond on their journey to survive. They need animal meat to live for nourishment, including fats and proteins.

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By Will Hobbs