66 pages 2 hours read

Brandon Mull


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 6-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “Maddox”

Kendra and Seth learn that Lena used to be a naiad. She fell in love with one of Fablehaven’s previous caretakers and left the water to live with him. Though leaving the water made her mortal, she ages more slowly than other humans and has used the nearly 100 years since the death of her husband to travel the world. She explains to Kendra that naiads don’t see the world the same way humans do and says she would make the same choice to leave the lake if she had to do it over again. Seth is frustrated that he isn’t allowed more freedom to explore and see “monsters.”

Later, the children meet Maddox, a fairy dealer and colleague of their grandfather's. He tells everyone about the return of a dangerous organization called The Society of the Evening Star that is devoted to destroying preserves like Fablehaven. Maddox also shows Kendra and Seth his fairies, but the children are sent to bed early so that the adults can celebrate a successful business deal.

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