66 pages 2 hours read

Brandon Mull


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 18-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary: "Bahumat”

Kendra retrieves some milk from Viola, the giant cow, and adds some ofViola’sblood as well as some of her own since she isn’t sure which one is necessary. The fairies on the grounds seem very interested in the mixture, though they won’t try it until Kendra does. As they try the potion, they are transformed into human-sized fairies outfitted with magical, ethereal weapons. They take Kendra as their leader in the battle they have been summoned to and fly her to the chapel.

The fairies defeat Muriel and her imps with relative ease; they kiss each of the imps in turn, the imps revert into fairies, and they join the fight against evil. The full-grown fairies then return both Bahumat and Muriel to a prison in the basement of the Forgotten Chapel, covering the site where the church used to stand with rolling hills and fruit trees. The fairies bring Grandma, Grandpa, Seth, Kendra, and Hugo back to the yard, where they restore Dale to his human form. The fairies also return a struggling Lena to the naiad pond. Once they are safely back to the house, which has been freshly repaired by the brownies, the fairies revert to their usual size.

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