66 pages 2 hours read

Brandon Mull


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Chapters 15-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary: “The Far Side of the Attic”

Kendra and Seth fill Grandma in on what’s happened over the past couple of weeks, and she praises them for their bravery. She tells them more about the history of the preserve, discussing the giant cow and mentioning several magical weapons and artifacts that they have hidden in various places. When the children ask if they can recruit help to save Grandpa and Lena, Grandma explains that the humans share a mutual respect with the creatures on the preserve, but that the non human inhabitants almost certainly wouldn’t help the humans out of the goodness of their hearts.

Grandma reassures Seth that he isn’t entirely to blame for opening the window on Midsummer’s Eve; a young and impulsive child shouldn’t have been placed in such a situation in the first place. She shows the children a room hidden in the other half of the attic where they store weapons and other tools. Grandma tells the children about Bahumat, a demon that has been imprisoned on the preserve since before it was officially founded. He is housed in the basement of the Forgotten Chapel, where Grandpa and Lena are imprisoned.

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