60 pages • 2 hours read
Cat BohannonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The Eves in the book are the first female individuals in humanity’s history to present each of the important traits developed in female human evolution. They are called Eves after the biblical character Eve in the Book of Genesis, who is created by God from Adam’s rib and is the first woman on Earth. She is also the mother of all humans. Bohannon, however, rejects the notion that there is a single Eve of humanity and that this Eve is derived from man. Instead, she theorizes that there were many first female pre-humans and humans and that they not only contributed to human evolution but also led the path to it. She explains, “We don’t have one mother; we have many” (19). She lists the various Eves that she will mainly explore, including Morgie, Donna, Purgi, Ardi, Habilis, and Erectus. These Eves all act as original developers of humanity’s destiny. Later in the book, she adds that the Eves were not just in humanity’s past; as long as humanity continues to exist, it will evolve, and as long as humanity evolves, there will be many Eves who create and contribute to humanity and the world. She states, “I am an Eve, as are you, just like every single living human today. We are the drivers of our species’ tomorrows” (374). Because all female humans have a role to play in human evolution and can change and impact the world around them, every female individual is an Eve.
Motherese is the term that scientists use for how human mothers interact with their babies. Motherese functions somewhat similarly to “baby talk” but is different. It incorporates higher pitches and over-pronunciation of vowels and consonants, along with simplification of grammar. Motherese is also something that other people can and do use. Bohannon states, “Motherese is so universal, in fact, that we do it not just with babies but also with our pets and or to tease an adult we think is acting childish” (325). Motherese can be found across all human cultures and all human languages, especially among mothers and other female individuals. Other animals change their pitch with their young as well, including squirrel monkeys and dolphins. Bohannon argues that Motherese, while maybe not mandatory, is important for bonding a child to their mother. Motherese also helps babies learn language, which is extremely important for their early cognitive development. Not receiving enough communication and language from their parents can cause babies to develop severe and, often permanent, language deficits, and Motherese helps prevent that. Motherese has also been linked to a higher proficiency in language and verbal skills. Motherese is an essential way in which female individuals have evolved to communicate with their children, and its existence shows the extraordinary growth of the species over millions of years.
Tetrachromacy is the ability to see four color dimensions instead of three. Most humans can only see the world in three color dimensions, the three primary colors: red, green, and blue. However, a small percentage of humans—tetrachromats—can see red, green, blue, and yellow wavelengths. The majority of these humans are female because female humans, having two X chromosomes, can see more shades and hues of color than humans with only one X chromosome. Bohannon finds this ability remarkable because it is rare in humans and is mostly seen in birds, reptiles, and fish. Some female individuals have this ability and could possibly see the world in a way that most humans cannot. Bohannon describes the visual wonder of tetrachromacy as follows:
A tetrachromat woman’s visual world should be full of fine, shining, delirious detail: the kaleidoscope of color glinting off each wave on a pond as it catches the light, the shimmering flutter of the underfeathers of a robin’s articulate wing (160).
She then states that “as many as 12 percent of all human girls may be born tetrachromats” and that “these girls are like superheroes. They have eyes like birds” (160-61). This indicates that Bohannon sees a potential for female individuals to introduce tetrachromacy to humanity as an evolutionary trait. Tetrachromacy could likely be one of the next steps in human evolution in this case.
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