61 pages 2 hours read

Richard Russo

Empire Falls

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2001

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Character Analysis

Miles Roby

The protagonist Miles Roby is a 42-year-old separated father of Tick, brother of David, and son of Grace and Max. He defines himself via his relationships with others, particularly with regard to his deceased mother and his daughter. In the scene where Miles is introduced, his “anxious eye” looks down toward the “dark, high-windowed shirt factory where his mother had spent most of her adult working life” as he hopes to “catch a glimpse of his daughter, Tick” (20). Shortly thereafter, the reader learns how his best friends think of him: reliable and steady, “the same old Miles” (22). His soon-to-be ex-wife, Janine, sees his steadiness as boring behavior steeped in monotonous routine, referring to him as “the Human Rut” (194). His brother, David, agrees that Miles is too cautious and often self-sacrificing, though Miles thinks his brother is impulsive, as his history of addictive behavior suggests. For his part, Miles “had always thought of himself as a model of tolerance” (43).

Throughout the book, Miles navigates middle age, reminiscing on the regrets, recriminations, lapses, and failures that accumulate over time. His mother’s affair and its attendant consequences linger in the background, defining him in ways that he only vaguely realizes until he knows the truth of Charlie Mayne’s identity.

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