56 pages 1 hour read

Francesca Zappia

Eliza and Her Monsters

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 33-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary

Eliza stays home for another week, staying in bed and watching Dog Days reruns. Her mother wants her to see the therapist, but Eliza just shrugs. She won’t be posting new pages this week.

Chapter 34 Summary

Sully and Church take matters into their own hands and explain Eliza’s “hobby” to their parents. They show them the post that exposes her as Monstrous Sea’s creator, along with the MS forums. Their parents still struggle to understand the extent of Eliza’s fame—and their crucial part in exposing her—and Sully blows up at them for never having even googled Monstrous Sea. Her parents realize that Eliza has been listening to the conversation and attempt to apologize to her. She goes back to her room. Sully follows and tells Eliza that he and Church have been MS fans for a long time, even though their parents don’t get it.

Chapter 35 Summary

Before dawn on a Tuesday morning, Eliza drives out to Wellhouse Turn and carefully makes her way down the treacherous incline. She gazes at the stars, thinking about her childhood self and Wallace’s father’s death. She lets herself just be Eliza and nothing else.