171 pages 5 hours read

Veronica Roth


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

That night, Tris dreams that she is being interrogated by Peter, who accuses her of being Divergent. The next day, Tris looks in the mirror and finds her bruised and battered appearance jarring. As Christina helps her tie her shoes, she reflects that maybe there is an element of Abnegation in everyone (except for Peter). They make their way to the train and hoist themselves aboard, with Tris managing in spite of the pain. Peter starts teasing her, prompting Molly and Drew to laugh and Will and Christina to retort. However, everyone becomes quiet when Four orders them to stop bickering.

As they look out at the landscape beyond the train’s doorway, Will remembers when Dauntless police used to patrol the factionless sector. Tris recalls that her own father had voted to get the Dauntless out of the area, his argument being that the factionless need help rather than policing. She does not like to mention this, however, as the Erudites are liable to use it as evidence of Abnegation’s incompetence.

After departing the train, Four leads the initiates to a gate and tells them that this is probably where they will end up if they do not rank in the top five after initiation.

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