67 pages 2 hours read

Watt Key

Deep Water

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Chapters 28-38

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary

Julie wakes at dawn and savors the feeling of being dry, but the pain in her legs and hands soon distracts her. Still naked from taking off her wetsuit, she clutches a blanket around her as she takes in her surroundings. She finds a jumpsuit and gloves to wear in a nearby supply room and takes extras for Shane. Julie returns to Shane, and absorbs his appearance: leathery, sunburned face and white, sore-spotted skin from the neck down. Julie knows she must look similar. Shane’s wits have returned, and Julie fills him in on how she got them both onto the rig. With Julie’s help, Shane walks upstairs, and they decide to rest and explore more of the rig.

Chapter 29 Summary

Shane feels strong enough to check the lifeboats, and finds more bottled water, along with a working battery-powered lantern and some chocolate and energy bars. He also finds an EPIRB, a satellite signaling device, but the batteries are dead. The lifeboat battery is also dead. Next, they explore a dark and musty storage room as well as an office, and find that the papers are dated 2012, suggesting that the rig has been abandoned for five years.

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