89 pages 2 hours read

Julius Lester

Day of Tears

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2005

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Chapters 8-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary: “The Henfield Plantation”

A year after the auction, Emma speaks about how she looks forward to every day after Joe finishes his work in the stable and comes in to help her clean the kitchen. Emma thinks about how Joe has gotten a job at the general store but is always back in time for supper. Emma talks to Joe about how their mistress asks after her wellbeing, and Emma admits that this plantation is less work: “But that don’t mean it’s better living here. It would be better if I could be with my mama and papa” (113). Emma admits she doesn’t know what she would do without Joe to remember all the people at the Butler plantation.

Joe asks Emma to marry him, but Emma doesn’t want her child to be born a slave. Joe suggests they escape, explaining that the general store owner, Mr. Henry, said that they were close to the Ohio River. At first, Joe was distrustful of him, but then Mr. Henry taught Joe the letter “a,” even though teaching a slave to read is illegal. Joe teaches Emma the letter, and Emma asks about freedom. They excitedly discuss Cincinnati, a free city, and Emma explains that Pierce and his wife had a falling out over her teaching slaves to read.

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