91 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman

Challenger Deep

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 31-60

Chapter 31 Summary: “Is That All They’re Worth?”

Caden can’t stop thinking about termites, wondering if the treatment his house underwent may have created a more toxic variety of super insect. He tries to make a drawing that looks like his fears. He notices his mom watching him, and realizes that, even though he thought he had been drawing for several minutes, the page is still blank. She says, “Penny for your thoughts?” (51). Caden asks her if that is all his thoughts are worth. 

Chapter 32 Summary: “Less Than Nothing”

Caden reads that pennies are worth so little that the government will eventually phase them out. He wonders if the devaluation of pennies will also devalue his thoughts. 

Chapter 33 Summary: “Weakness Leaving the Body”

Caden decides to try out for the track team. His father is excited, and Caden worries that his father believes this is a positive turning point in Caden’s anxiety. Caden makes the team but doesn’t tell his father that he quits after only three practices. He begins running alone for two hours after school so that his parents won’t ask him why he is at home instead of at track practice. It disturbs him that he can lie with such ease. 

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By Neal Shusterman