63 pages 2 hours read

Geraldine Brooks

Caleb's Crossing

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Part 2, Chapters 7-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Anno 1661 Aetatis Suae 17 Cambridge”

Part 2, Chapter 7 Summary

Immediately prior to his departure for England, Bethia’s father gives a sermon that seems to recall his hopeful sermons of earlier, happier days. Many of the Wampanoag come to give their goodbyes; however, Tequamuck comes to frighten off those paying tribute to his rival.

After Bethia’s father leaves, a powerful storm strikes the settlement. Two weeks later, settlers learn that the storm also sank her father’s ship. It is especially horrifying to Bethia that both her father and Solace died by drowning, which is a death that island dwellers constantly fear. 

Part 2, Chapter 8 Summary

In the wake of the wreck, bodies and objects begin to wash up on shore. Some important figures in the colonies see the death of Bethia’s father as a tragedy. The settlement mourns and the Wampanoag construct a cairn of white stones on the beach as a monument.

Makepeace feels that Tequamuck killed his father. Bethia agrees regarding Tequamuck’s intentions, but doubts that God would grant him the power to do so. Makepeace also suspects Caleb of harming Solace. He wants to side with the Aldens against the island’s Indigenous population, but Bethia manages to contend rationally with these violent and suspicious thoughts caused by grief.

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