63 pages 2 hours read

Geraldine Brooks

Caleb's Crossing

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Part 2, Chapters 1-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Anno 1661 Aetatis Suae 17 Cambridge”

Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

Bethia informs us that some time has passed since she has written and that she is now doing so reluctantly. Her dire present situation is what leads her to make a record. For one thing, she is overwhelmed by thoughts of her mother, whom Bethia discussed very little when her mother’s death was still quite fresh.

Bethia is now in Cambridge at the school of Master Corlett. Though her position is difficult and deprived, she at least has much paper for writing because the master discards so much partially-used paper. For Bethia, this paper is a valuable resource, since she is not freely allowed paper as a woman.

She revisits the time of Caleb’s arrival at her home. Of course, her father has no idea about her previous acquaintance with Caleb. He believes that he has recruited this young convert via Nahnoso. Bethia’s father is taking a risk in this venture of educating Caleb because it could potentially anger the more xenophobic inhabitants of the settlement. Indeed, he does not inform the others prior to bringing Caleb to his home.

Caleb arrives dressed in settler garb. Bethia’s family makes a bold statement by having him sit with them in a prominent place during their worship service.

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