76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Soto

Buried Onions

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. As Eddie prepares for work, he hears someone calling his name. He reflects, “I glanced over my shoulder, slowing but not stopping, because if you stopped and it was your enemy, your life could spill like soda right on the black asphalt, spill before you could touch your wound” (Chapter 1). Which of the following literary devices does Soto use in this quote?

A) Simile

B) Paradox

C) Personification

D) Allusion

2. Which of the following demonstrates Mr. Stiles’s trust for Eddie?

A) He advises him to continue his education.

B) He allows him to use his car to go to the dump.

C) He pays him a dollar to move the refrigerator.

D) He makes him a sandwich at lunch time.

3. Which of the following phrases best describes the use of the word “Hmong” throughout the novel?

A) A reference to their best friend

B) A discussion of politics in Southeast Asia

C) A term of endearment for their favorite aunt

D) A racial slur referring to people of Asian descent

4. With whom does Eddie associate the ring of the telephone?

A) His mother asking him to return home

B) Angel asking him to help with a job

C) Mr. Stiles asking for his money back

D) His tía asking him to help avenge her son’s death


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By Gary Soto