76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

Brian's Winter

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1996

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Use this activity to engage all types of learners, while requiring that they refer to and incorporate details from the text over the course of the activity.

“Brian’s Social Media”

In this activity, students will demonstrate their understanding of Brian’s perspective and of the importance of setting in Brian’s Winter by creating social-media-style posts from Brian’s perspective.

Imagine that Brian has a smartphone with him during his time in the wilderness and that he is taking pictures of this setting to post when he is finally somewhere with a cell signal. When he returns home, what are three scenes he might share on social media? How might he caption these scenes to convey why they are significant to him? In this activity, you will create three social-media-style posts from Brian’s perspective.

Choose Three Photos

  • Your photos should represent Brian’s natural environment, not the things he added himself, like his shelter.
  • Each photo should show a clearly identifiable location where something important to Brian happened. (Choose locations that appear in the story.)

Create Three Social-Media-Style Posts

  • Your posts should use both images and text to convey why the locations are important to Brian: What happened in this spot, and what was significant about it?
  • You can create these posts using whatever tools you are comfortable with, but if you would like to work from a template,
    blurred text

    blurred text

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