104 pages 3 hours read

Steve Sheinkin

Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World's Most Dangerous Weapon

Nonfiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2012

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Answer Key

Prologue-Part 1

Reading Check

1. Lise Meitner and her nephew, Otto Frisch (Chapter 2)

2. Albert Einstein (Chapter 3)

3. Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Chapter 5)

4. Rapid Rupture (Chapter 5)

5. Norwegian Nazi leader Vidkun Quisling (Chapter 6)

6. The FBI (Chapter 7)

Short Answer

1. He’s alarmed by Hitler’s violent rise in Germany and his terrible treatment of the Jews. (Chapter 1)

2. Gold is grateful for the job he got from his Communist handler, and he thinks his spying won’t do any real harm. (Chapter 4)

3. Soviet scientists are too busy designing conventional weapons that can help fight off the German invasion. Also, the US is only a temporary ally that won’t trust the Soviets with an atomic bomb. (Chapter 7)

Part 2

Reading Check

1. Leslie Groves (Chapter 8)

2. Robert Oppenheimer (Chapter 8)

3. Inform Groves (Chapter 11)

4. A chain reaction (Chapter 13)

5. Graphite and cadmium (Chapter 13)

Short Answer

1. The plant produced heavy water for the German atom bomb project. (Chapter 9)

2. They crash-landed, and German forces killed all of them.

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