104 pages 3 hours read

Steve Sheinkin

Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World's Most Dangerous Weapon

Nonfiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2012

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. What 1938 discovery launched the race to build an atomic bomb?

A) Radioactivity

B) Uranium fission

C) Plutonium

D) The neutron

2. Who wrote a letter to President Roosevelt warning of the danger of a German atomic bomb?

A) Robert Oppenheimer

B) Albert Einstein

C) Richard Feynman

D) Leslie Groves

3. Why did Harry Gold betray US industrial secrets to the Soviets?

A) He wanted to impress his wife with his courage.

B) He hated America and its capitalist system.

C) He thought it would be fun to play spy games.

D) He was grateful for a job that a Communist got him.

4. Who was Klaus Fuchs?

A) A spy for Russia

B) A spy for Germany

C) A spy for Britain

D) A spy for the US

5. What material did Knut Haukelid sabotage?

A) American plutonium production

B) German uranium production

C) German heavy-water production

D) Japanese uranium production

6. The use of the word “gadget” by those involved in making the bomb implies which of the following?

A) They did not take their work seriously.

B) They found the subject upsetting.

C) They were concerned about maintaining secrecy.

D) They weren’t sure how their research would be used.

7. What material is produced as a byproduct of bombarding U-238 with neutrons?

A) Plutonium

B) Cadmium

C) Graphite

D) Heavy water

8. Why couldn’t plutonium be used in a gun assembly bomb?

A) It decays quickly and wouldn’t detonate.

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