80 pages 2 hours read

Federico García Lorca

Blood Wedding

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1932

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Blood Wedding

  • Genre: Fiction; historical play
  • Originally Published: 1932
  • Reading Level/Interest: College/Adult
  • Structure/Length: 3 acts; approx. 80 pages; approx. 1 hour, 36 minutes on audio
  • Protagonist and Central Conflict: A Bridegroom, his Bride, and Leonardo form a love triangle, which the community will not tolerate. When the Bride and Leonardo run away together on her wedding day, Death and the Bridegroom chase them, leading to tragedy.
  • Potential Sensitivity Issues: Death

Federico García Lorca, Author

  • Bio: Born in 1898 in a small town in Spain; died in 1936; educated at Columbia University and University of Grenada; wrote poems and plays; created and exhibited visual art; was a member of artists’ group Generación del 27; was friends with Salvador Dalí and influenced by Surrealism; traveled to Cuba and New York; worked as director; co-founded traveling theater company La Barraca; was assassinated during the Spanish Civil War; Blood Wedding adapted for film, opera, radio, television
  • Other Works: The Butterfly’s Evil Spell (1920); Libro de Poemas (1921); Yerma (1934); The House of Bernarda Alba (1936)                

CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:

  • The Incompatibility of Desire and the Social Order
  • Women as Casualties
  • Fate and the Tragic Cost of Honor

STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:

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