80 pages 2 hours read

Federico García Lorca

Blood Wedding

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1932

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Answer Key

Act I

Reading Check

1. That the characters are located in “[a] room painted yellow” (Act I, Scene I)

2. “I wish you were a woman.” (Act I, Scene I)

3. Because she does not want to leave the graves of her husband and son (Act I, Scene I)

4. “Both of his arms [were] mangled by the harvester” (Act I, Scene I)

5. That their children will marry (Act I, Scene III)

Short Answer

1. Although the Bridegroom’s mother is happy for her son, she hesitates to accept his bride-to-be. Ultimately, she is curious about the nature of the Bride’s mother and inquires about her to the Neighbor. (Act I, Scene I)

2. The Bridegroom’s mother learns that her son’s bride-to-be was once engaged to Leonardo Felix. She is horrified at the news since she despises the Felix family. (Act I, Scene I)

3. The lullaby is about a thirsty horse who cannot drink water from the river. (Act I, Scene II)

4. After the Bridegroom and his mother leave, the Bride reveals that she is not interested in the wedding gifts, despite her Maid’s urgings.

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