80 pages 2 hours read

Federico García Lorca

Blood Wedding

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1932

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following words best describes the aside that the Bridegroom’s mother has regarding the use of weapons?

A) Honor

B) Disdain

C) Fear

D) Desire

2. How does the Bridegroom’s mother feel about the impending wedding?

A) Torn

B) Jubilant

C) Reticent

D) Delirious

3. Based on the conversation between the girl and Leonardo’s mother-in-law in Act I, Scene II, which of the following assumptions can be made?

A) The Bridegroom’s mother has called off the wedding.

B) The girl is going to be a flower girl at the wedding.

C) The Bridegroom’s family is wealthier than Leonardo’s family.

D) Leonardo is proud to be the best man at the wedding.

4. Which literary term does Lorca frequently use throughout the play?

A) Paradox

B) Irony

C) Allusion

D) Foreshadowing

5. Which of the following sentences best describes the meaning behind the lullaby sung in Act I, Scene II?

A) A commentary on the treatment of farm animals

B) A simile for Leonardo’s fear of his baby’s death

C) A metaphor for Leonardo’s enduring lust for the Bride

D) A foreshadowing of Leonardo’s horse’s death

6. Which motif connotes death in Lorca’s play?

A) Gold

B) Water

C) Silver

D) Flies

7. Which of the following statements is true about the characters’ assumptions regarding gender?

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