80 pages 2 hours read

Federico García Lorca

Blood Wedding

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1932

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Use this activity to engage all types of learners, while requiring that they refer to and incorporate details from the text over the course of the activity.

“Research Paper: The Influence of Greek Tragedies on Lorca’s Plays”

In this activity, students will write a research paper examining the influence of the format of the Greek tragedy on the structuring of Lorca’s plays.

Although Lorca’s play is set in early 20th century Spain, influences of Greek tragedies are prevalent in the way Lorca formats and structures characters and scenes. For this activity, you will write a research paper analyzing the Greek tragedy’s influence on Lorca’s work. Consider the following questions as you format your essay (these questions can be used as section markers):

  • What is the traditional format of a Greek tragedy?
  • How is a Greek tragedy’s format influential on historical and contemporary playwrights?
  • What is Lorca’s background as a playwright? For example, what did he focus on, etc.?
  • How does Lorca use the structure of the Greek tragedy in his plays?
  • How does he use it specifically in this play? For example, which elements, etc.?

After researching your paper, submit your draft for a peer review before submitting.

Teaching Suggestion: This activity invites students to combine their analytical, research, and writing skills.

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