81 pages 2 hours read

Rudolfo Anaya

Bless Me, Ultima

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1972

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After Reading

Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the novel, Antonio’s struggles are characterized by both loss of innocence and an inability to reconcile the contradictory knowledge presented in the belief systems and actions of those around him. For Antonio, what is the connection between knowledge, loss of innocence, and the struggle to find his own identity?

  • In what ways is Antonio innocent throughout the novel, and how does this innocence change with his various experiences?
  • How do his parents cause conflict for Antonio as he seeks his identity, and in what ways do they help support Antonio’s search for himself?
  • Who are some of the most influential people in Antonio’s life, and in what ways do they support Antonio in his search for himself?
  • How does Anaya use imagery and symbolism to explore the psychological impacts of Antonio’s struggles with identity?
  • In what ways is Antonio’s coming-of-age struggle cultural, and in what ways is it universal?
  • Why must Antonio find his own path instead of remaining his childhood self or choosing between his mother’s and father’s traditions?

Teaching Suggestion: The bulleted questions are meant as scaffolding questions to help students respond to the original, overarching discussion prompt. Students may benefit from written copies of the questions to refer to while discussing.

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