85 pages 2 hours read

Jewell Parker Rhodes

Black Brother, Black Brother

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following is best exemplified by the headmaster’s decision to call the cops on Donte?

A) That headmasters at private schools do not tolerate any bad behavior

B) That Black students are disproportionately punished

C) That the Davies family secretly controls every decision the school makes

D) That the headmaster had it out for Donte from the start

2. Which of the following people reacted with surprise when they learned that Trey and Donte are brothers?

A) Headmaster McGeary

B) Zarra

C) Coach Jones

D) The police officer that arrests Donte

3. What is the effect of Denise’s mention of real events when she says, “This is how it starts. Bias. Racism. Plain and simple. Philadelphia, cops called on black men meeting in Starbucks. Portland, cops called on a hotel guest talking on his cell phone with his mother” (Chapter 5)?

A) It emphasizes that racism exists in the real world and that, while this novel is fictional, Donte’s experience could the experience of actual Black students.

B) It reinforces the unfair treatment that her son experiences and shows that the main conflict in this novel will be between Denise and the school.

C) It demonstrates how fiercely Denise is willing to protect her son and the reason for her decision to send Donte to public school from now on.

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