91 pages 3 hours read

Michelle Obama


Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2018

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Part 3, Chapter 24-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Becoming More”

Chapter 24 Summary

Malia goes to the prom, and Barack and Michelle take this opportunity to allow her to have a typical teenage experience, allowing her date to drive her instead of her security team. Having grown up in the public eye, Malia and Sasha have carried the pressure of their family’s responsibilities in a way that neither asked for, and Barack and Michelle fight for every shred of normalcy they can get. Instead, Barack and Michelle try to put some of the burden on their dogs to do photo ops and attend public events: “They made excellent ambassadors, impervious to criticism and unaware of their own fame” (392).

After a college visit with Malia turns into a media frenzy, Michelle regretfully excuses herself from Malia’s future visits. Michelle goes to South Carolina to be with the congregation of a black church who were gunned down during a prayer meeting; Barack’s re-election has caused hope for many, while in others it has inspired “fear and resentment” (397). On the night that gay marriage is legalized in the United States, Michelle sees people gathered on the lawns to watch the White House lit up in purple to celebrate the milestone. She convinces Malia to sneak outside with her to commemorate the moment, though they find it difficult with so many security staff on their tails.

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