100 pages 3 hours read

Fredrik Backman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. B (Various chapters)

2. C (Chapter 43)

3. D (Chapter 40)

4. A (Chapter 47)

5. C (Chapter 46)

6. D (Chapter 5)

7. A (Various chapters)

8. B (Chapter 49)

9. B (Chapter 15)

10. C (Chapter 50)

11. A (Chapter 41)

12. D (Chapter 48)

13. C (Chapter 38)

14. A (Chapter 2)

15. B (Chapter 50)

Long Answer

1. Peter begins the novel struggling to find work-life balance and often prioritizes hockey over his family. After Maya is hurt, he is willing to give up hockey and his sense of belonging to make her feel secure and supported. Although he does not end the novel as a fighter, he does everything in his power to reinforce that he supports Maya. (Various chapters)

2. The Hollows is a part of town where people who are economically disadvantaged live, while the Heights is where the more affluent members of the community live. Members of the junior hockey team benefit from close proximity to wealth, such as when Kevin’s father buys them all new sticks.

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