79 pages 2 hours read

Roxane Gay

Bad Feminist

Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult | Published in 2014

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Part 2, Essays 16-22

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Essay 16 Summary: “The Spectacle of Broken Men”

Gay notes the religiosity with which Nebraskans regard Cornhusker football and how this religiosity helps excuse athletes from drug and alcohol infractions and rape allegations. She notes that Nebraska is not unique in this regard and that college and professional athletes throughout the US are forgiven for criminal behavior simply because of their athleticism and contributions to athletic programs and industries.

Gay acknowledges the difficulty she has giving the accused in high-profile cases the benefit of the doubt, specifically with regard to Jerry Sandusky and the allegations of child sexual molestation. In his interview with Bob Costa’s on Rock Center, Sandusky sounds to Gay like a guilty and broken man. She admits that in cases of rape and sexual abuse, she almost always gives victims the benefit of the doubt, and she doesn’t know how to be impartial. She points out the “constellation of broken men” surrounding Sandusky (158), including the defense team that used victim-blaming as a primary strategy.

Gay hopes that there may be some justice for the victims, but she questions how much there can be when the damage has already been done. She also knows that after the trial, the football program will continue on as usual.

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