42 pages 1 hour read

W.C. Mack

Athlete Vs. Mathlete

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2013

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Chapters 8-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary: “Russell: Negative Impact”

Arthur comes to the next Masters of the Mind meeting, talking down to everyone and making their team sound like it isn’t worthwhile. In addition, the school will only pay half the entrance fee for the upcoming competition, and Arthur haughtily informs them his family can write them a check because they’re rich. The kids refuse.

For the second part of practice, the kids meet up with a winning team from another school whose members know all about Russell’s team. While everyone brings their game, Russell is dismayed that “for the first time since I’d joined Masters of the Mind, I was struggling” (74). Instead, he’s amazed to find he’s daydreaming about basketball.

Chapter 9 Summary: “Owen: Free Throw”

The morning of tryouts, Owen is excited until he starts thinking how much cooler Russell’s Nikes are than his own shoes. At school, his friends go on about all the advanced shots they are supposed to be able to do now that they’re in seventh grade, and Owen panics because he can’t do any of them. In the afternoon, he overhears some kids wishing Russell luck. Still afraid Russell will embarrass him, Owen offers to get in some more practice before tryouts, but Russell isn’t interested. To comfort both himself and Russell, Owen says it doesn’t matter because after today, “you’ll never have to worry about basketball again” (81).

Chapter 10 Summary: “Russell: The Intersection of Sets”

The Masters of the Mind kids are still stumped on how to pay the rest of the competition fee by the following week. When Russell enters the locker room for basketball tryouts after school, he feels instantly out of place because everyone stares at him like he doesn’t belong there. It hits him that “a pair of shoes wouldn’t save [him]” (88).

Chapter 11 Summary: “Owen: Turnover”

Owen splits tryouts between doing his personal best and helping Russell whenever he can. As tryouts continue, Russell improves, if only a little, and Owen finds he wants Russell to do well for himself, not just so he isn’t an embarrassment. On the last drill, Russell shocks everyone when he makes a perfect jump shot, and Owen’s anger grows as “right in [his] face, he made seven more” (95). Owen and Russell make the team, shocking both of them. At home, their parents are overjoyed that Russell made the team and unsurprised that Owen did, which makes Owen feel invisible and like his accomplishment doesn’t matter.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Russell: Common Denominator”

Russell made his eight jump shots because he’d been thinking about the egg problem for the Masters of the Mind competition and how the same principle as a basketball hoop could be used to slow the egg. At the next Masters of the Mind meeting, Arthur makes a point of mentioning how the group got along fine while Russell was at tryouts and how busy Russell will be with practices and games moving forward. The rest of the meeting is glum. When Russell tries to tell them about his idea for the egg, he’s dismayed because it seems like they “stop listening as soon as [he] said the word basketball” (105).

Later, Russell asks his mom to help make something for the bake sale fundraiser the group is doing tomorrow. There are no eggs in the house because Russell used them for a Masters of the Mind meeting, so he ends up with mushy apple sauce cookies because he gets the recipe wrong. The bake sale is a sad affair, made worse by Arthur complaining about one girl bringing peanut butter cookies and hauling in a cart of donuts from his dad’s store. By the end, all the donuts are gone, and none of the other treats sold, leaving the group mad at Arthur’s interference.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Owen: Fast Break”

At basketball practice, Owen gets jealous when Coach Baxter pulls Russell aside for some one-on-one practice. Watching them, Owen stops paying attention and starts missing shots, which makes him even angrier because “basketball was supposed to be fun” (115). The following night, Owen can’t concentrate on homework, so he goes to the park, where he plays basketball with a group of high school kids. Owen plays more aggressively than he does at school and realizes that aggressiveness gets points more than being a team player does.

Chapter 14 Summary: “Russell: Complex Division”

Between his full schedule and the team’s approaching first game, Russell’s week is busy and stressful. At the game, Russell’s jump shot leads the team to victory, and afterward, Owen says nothing and ignores him. At the next Masters of the Mind meeting, Arthur points out Russell’s recent absences again, and he, along with two other members, wonders if the group needs a new leader. The final member says Russell can handle it. Russell agrees, but “knowing that part of the team had lost confidence in [him], [he] wasn’t so sure” (131).

Chapters 8-14 Analysis

In these chapters, Owen and Russell experience both negative and positive emotional growth. Up until the basketball tryouts, Owen’s selfishness wanes because he is convinced Russell won’t make the team and, thus, that there is no harm in helping Russell do his best. Once Russell makes the jump shots at tryouts, though, Owen’s selfishness rears, sparking jealousy and anger that drive him away from Russell in the following chapters. Russell making the team threatens Owen’s sense of self and his assuredness that he is the athlete in his family. By contrast, making the team expands Russell’s sense of who he is and his identity. With the pressure he feels from Masters of the Mind, making the basketball team feels like an outlet—something else he can do and be good at—but these feelings are only a distraction. As Arthur compounds the Masters of the Mind struggles, Russell feels even more torn, particularly because he doesn’t think he should enjoy both activities. The Effects of Peer Pressure dictate that Russell should firmly belong either in the mathlete group or the athlete group, and this contributes to Russell’s struggles with his identity and sense of self throughout the rest of the book.

These chapters continue to highlight the types of peer pressure and the effects this pressure can have on individuals. In addition to his internal struggle over identity, Russell’s position of leader in Masters of the Mind is now threatened by Arthur’s ability to make it sound like Russell isn’t committed to the team. Arthur volunteering to write a check for the competition entrance fee shows how social and economic status contribute to the struggles of peer pressure. Arthur’s antics are an attempt to unseat Russell for his own personal gain. This combined with Russell’s inner struggles makes Russell start to doubt his position on the team, which is compounded by his friends giving into Arthur’s pressure. When Russell tries to heal this divide by discussing how a basketball principle gave him an idea for the egg challenge, his friends dismiss his idea because it’s related to basketball. This makes Russell feel like they are distancing themselves from him because he no longer fits their view of someone who belongs to Masters of the Mind. This part of Russell’s character journey shows the problem with being closed-minded. The Masters of the Mind kids are biased against basketball, so they feel betrayed when one of their own starts playing the sport, even if nothing about Russell has actually changed.

Russell making the basketball team is a trigger for Owen’s increased levels of selfishness and jealousy, but it also jumpstarts external factors that contribute to how Mindset Matters. When the boys tell their parents they both made the team, their parents celebrate this as an accomplishment for Russell but barely acknowledge it for Owen because it isn’t new or exciting. As a result, Owen feels like he doesn’t matter, and this starts his move toward a more aggressive playing style, foreshadowing his mean actions in the latter portion of the book. The preference their parents show Russell represents how the reactions of others have an effect on someone’s identity and how they feel about themselves, especially during adolescence. Owen was confident he’d make the team, but even so, he wants to be celebrated for it because it feels like something big. So when his parents brush him aside, Owen starts to seek validation from other sources—in this case, the high school kids who are impressed with his playing style. This leads Owen to adopt this playing style during games because it got him the type of attention he wanted from one group, and thus, he believes it will get him similar attention elsewhere.

Russell improving at basketball by thinking of jump shots in terms of math shows the intersection of activities, specifically how basketball and Masters of the Mind are not as different as the kids in each group think they are. Russell’s ability to make jump shots because of his math skills highlight the importance of being well-rounded, as well as how truly insignificant the complications of The Effects of Peer Pressure are. Russell isn’t concerned with maintaining a divide between basketball and Masters of the Mind here. Instead, he lets the two aspects of himself work together, which produces a better result than either could on its own. This shows how identity is comprised of a multitude of factors. Russell brings his Masters of the Mind knowledge to basketball, allowing him to become the go-to person for jump shots. At the same time, he brings his basketball enthusiasm to Masters of the Mind, which lets him understand the importance of teamwork and how he can be a good team leader to bring the best outcome for his group. Bringing these two aspects together also highlights how Mindset Matters, specifically how accepting the different parts of himself lets Russell feel better about who he is, even if he doesn’t realize this until the very end of the novel.